Treasures of the Grand Tour: Italy through British eyes

Mackelvie Society LECTURE SERIES WITH Sophie Matthiesson 2021:

Treasures of the Grand Tour: Italy through British eyes.

Join Senior Curator of International Art, Dr Sophie Matthiesson, to explore the ‘lure of Italy’ for British tourists in the eighteenth century, with special attention to some of the trophies of Grand Tour travel in Auckland’s Mackelvie collections, from micromosaics and cameos to sculpture and paintings.

An online lecture held 9 March 2021.
A recording of this lecture is available below, simply press the PLAY symbol >
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CLICK HERE to learn more about the 2021 Mackelvie Society Lecture Series Programme.

Image credit: Louis-Gabriel Blanchet, Portrait of William Rouet (1714-1785) Glasgow scholar and tutor to the Hope family in Italy, 1763. Oil on canvas, 985 x 750 mm. London collection (proposed acquisition).

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