Auckland Libraries Heritage Blog

For some holiday reading on James Tannock Mackelvie and the Mackelvie Collection we highly recommend these two articles on Heritage AL – a blog which highlights unique collections and resources from Auckland Libraries research centres and heritage collections.

The Mackelvie book bequest at Auckland Libraries

Jane Wild, Manager Heritage Collections

The book bequests from James Tannock Mackelvie are jewels in the Library’s Heritage Collections. These well- chosen gifts continue to attract interest and scholarship at Auckland Libraries. Read the full article here.

A collection of roses from nature 1796-1799

Georgia Prince, Sir George Grey Special Collections

In 1799 a young woman called Mary Lawrance completed a 3 year-long project, a self-published book on roses, with all the 91 copper plates depicting varieties of roses etched and hand-coloured by herself. Read the full article here.

Image below: Mary Lawrance, A collection of roses from nature, 1799, Sir George Grey Special Collections, Auckland Libraries, 1799 LAWR.

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